No Response IS a Response
No response IS a response. Sometimes, "not doing anything", simply holding space for a child's feelings and refraining from talking and...
No Response IS a Response
Sensory Play
Don't Take Away Recess!
Using Force Creates More Resistance
Core Strength
The Tactile System
Sensory Preferences
Child behaviour at Christmas time
Overstimulation at Christmas-time
Crossing the Midline
Parenting & Information Overload in the Digital World
Crocodile Tears
Perth Children's Occupational Therapy is a mobile practice, servicing central and coastal suburbs between Hillarys and Fremantle in Perth, Western Australia.
Unfortunately due to high demand for services, there is an estimated 3-6 month waitlist, depending on your area. If you would like to go on the list, please fill in the form.
E: | M: 0414 657 142