E: info@pcot.com.au | M: 0414 657 142

Our approach
This means we use PLAY to improve the skills a child may be struggling with. Scientists have found that it takes approximately 400 repetitions to create a new synapse in the brain, unless it is done through play, in which case it only takes 10-20 repetitions. This is why our therapists use their creativity and knowledge to make therapy sessions fun and ensure the child doesn’t feel like they’re doing “work”.
We follow what interests the child. Similar to the benefits of learning through play, the skills children acquire are more likely to stick if they’re achieved via a medium they’re interested in. Our mobile therapists bring games and activities along to our sessions, but the sessions are not prescribed. For example, if a child is showing an interest in using one of their own games or something they see outside, the therapist will use this to address the skills the child is working on.
When it comes to child behaviour, there is an abundance of research that tells us that children learn best through relationships. We make every effort to build rapport with a child and use this to achieve the best results. We focus on connection (particularly before correction, a term coined by the amazing Dr Dan Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson, authors of “The Whole Brain Child”). We also believe that there are no bad kids, and that “kids do well if they can” (Dr Ross Greene, author of “The Explosive Child” and the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions program, which should be in all schools!). We are responsive and gentle, and never ignore a child’s needs or bids for attention. We see “attention-seeking” as “connection-seeking”.
A focus on the WHY
There is always a reason for a child’s behaviour. They’re hungry. They're tired. They made a mistake. Once we know the root of the behaviour (it's often an emotion), we tend to that emotion and in the process, help remediate the behaviour. We focus on what lies beneath the surface, rather than treating the behaviour that presents to us, with research proving that this is the most effective approach to child behaviour.
A focus on intrinsic motivation
We focus on encouraging children to work towards goals because of natural positive consequences, for example, the way it makes them feel, rather than because they will be rewarded or there will be a consequence if they don’t. Research shows that rewards and punishments can diminish children’s intrinsic motivation and means a child may only work on a task if there is an extrinsic reward/punishment.
Our therapists understand the importance of having a consistent approach. We will advocate fiercely for your child and ensure that everyone involved in their journey has an understanding of the most up-to-date, evidence-based approaches to improving their areas of difficulty.
We celebrate neurodiversity. Neurodiversity is about recognising that there is a range of naturally occurring neurological differences from person to person. We acknowledge each child’s uniqueness and do not believe in suppressing this in order to conform to a particular mould that society expects. For example, we celebrate all forms of autistic communication and self-regulation, and as such, do not teach autistic children to change what works for them for the sake of making others more comfortable.