As many of my clients will know, I am a huge introvert. Phone calls terrify me, big crowds overwhelm me, hugs are a bit uncomfortable, and I'm exhausted at the end of each day. However, over the years, I have developed strategies to cope with these situations, and I love helping kids with similar difficulties and temperaments develop their own coping strategies. The strategies we use often rely on their parents for co-regulation, as well as their parents advocating for them amidst an extrovert’s world.⠀
Unfortunately, today’s society may view introverts’ traits as odd, rude, shy or arrogant. This is simply not the case. We are born an introvert, extrovert, or a mixture of both. Introverted children may:⠀
• Prefer to observe games or activities before joining in⠀
• Love imaginative play⠀
• Prefer to play alone⠀
• Take time to warm to people or situations they‘re not exposed to on a daily basis⠀
• Struggle in group settings (I hated group work at school!!)⠀
• Be drained/exhausted by being around too many people⠀
• Have trouble sustaining eye contact⠀
• Dislike public speaking⠀
• Ask big questions about the deeper and more meaningful parts of life⠀
It would be wonderful if these traits were not seen as odd or a hindrance, but rather embraced and supported for what they are and what they can bring to this world.⠀
